Most people think the Falklands war was a simple matter of Britain fending off an illegal invasion of British territory. The truth of the matter is far murkier and it is likely that Margaret Thatcher broke international law by sinking The Belgrano, which was outside of the official exclusion zone and sailing away from the Falklands. The other interesting aspect of this geopolitical football is that America is suggesting Britain should negotiate with Argentina to hand the Islands to Argentina, which puts the British government in a sticky situation. As Nick says in the interview we need transparency and we need the truth uncovered before we can properly debate the issue. Certain facts remain censored about the events leading up to this war, which should be made public after 30 years which is sharp approaching.

Show Ref | Guest / Subject | Topics Discussed | Release Date | Select |
304 | Dr. Nick Kollerstrom | Ukraine conflict, fabricated terrorism over Europe. | 18-03-2023 | Watch |
302 | Dr Nick Kollerstrom | The Ukraine conflict. | 22-02-2023 | Watch |
278 | Dr Nick Kollerstrom | Prince Andrew, London Bridge "attack" & the Salisbury poisoning Skripal affair | 13-12-2019 | Watch |
266 | Jo Cox Assassination | MP Jo Cox Assassination investigation, Brexit, Thomas Mair | 01-03-2019 | Watch |
247 | Johnson & Kollerstrom | Protocols, Julian Assange the fake truth seeker. | 21-10-2017 | Watch |
242 | Dr. Nick Kollerstrom | Recent terror attacks, how fake are they? | 12-08-2017 | Watch |
225 | Dr Nick Kollerstrom | Jo Cox, Paris attacks, Fabricated Terror, Auschwitz | 01-07-2016 | Watch |
208 | Gough & Kollerstrom | McCann, Energy, UFOs & Nato, Kollerstrom | 24-08-2015 | Watch |
171 | Dr. Nick Kollerstrom | 7/7 London bombings, MP's responses | 22-11-2013 | Watch |
157 | Kollerstrom & Heseltine | Woolwich fake terror, UFO Citizens Hearings | 14-06-2013 | Watch |
138 | Dr. Nick Kollerstrom | State sponsored terrorism & Sandy Hook shootings | 25-01-2013 | Watch |
94 | Dr. Nick Kollerstrom | The Falklands War and Censorship of it | 09-03-2012 | Watch |
72 | Nick Kollerstrom | 7/7 London bombings, live audience | 16-09-2011 | Watch |
56 | Nick Kollerstrom, Part 2 | 7/7 London Bombings | 06-05-2011 | Watch |
55 | Nick Kollerstrom, Part 1 | 7/7 London Bombings | 29-04-2011 | Watch |