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Show Ref Guest / Subject Topics Discussed Release Date Select
313Richard D. Hall Update on legal case, and exploration of Global Technocracy15-01-2025Watch
312Gemma O'Doherty Career of award winning journalist Gemma O'Doherty and recent legal actions.25-04-2024Watch
310Dr Shiva (Shatter the Swarm) The infiltration of the internet by the establishment using back doors and fake personalities. 16-01-2024Watch
304Dr. Nick Kollerstrom Ukraine conflict, fabricated terrorism over Europe.18-03-2023Watch
303The Boston Bombing A film which proves the 2013 Boston bombing was a hoax.02-03-2023Watch
302Dr Nick Kollerstrom The Ukraine conflict.22-02-2023Watch
300John Average Film explaining the dangers of Smart Money, CBDC and removing cash.04-10-2022Watch
299Genetically Modifying Humans? Possible genetic modification technology in the vaccine. Part 2, off grid living04-10-2022Watch
298Ross Broadstock Historical researchers and authors Wilson and Blackett, and the hidden history of Britain20-09-2022Watch
297Derek Gough Interiew with UFO investigator Derek Gough11-07-2022Watch
296Chris Hampton : Film Investigating the corruption & parasites behind the Coronavirus Scamdemic04-03-2022Watch
295David Fergusson Analysis of many 'vaccine' contents studies showing compelling evidence of nano technology07-02-2022Watch
294Andrew Johnson An update on the Covid scam, the measures, Vaccine damage & planetary control01-12-2021Watch
293Andrew Johnson What is the reason for MSM change in attitude towards UFO's ?30-11-2021Watch
292Covid & Vaccine Scam More on the COVID scam and injection programme.10-10-2021Watch
2919/11 Trick Show An explanation about why the 9/11 video and radar analysis was undertaken10-09-2021Watch
290Iain Davis The real purpose of the fake pandemic. A new monetary and control system.12-08-2021Watch
289Free From The System Reducing dependance on the criminal system of governance16-07-2021Watch
288Scamdemic Update Fake pandemic, Vaccine deaths and injury, Economic Reset12-06-2021Watch
287Lloyd Bryant Covid scam, monetary system, great reset & 'smart' money. Bitcoin & crypto currencies. 08-02-2021Watch
286Andrew Johnson Exploration of the global corona virus scam, looking at evidence and motives. 14-12-2020Watch
282Richard D. Hall Exposing the man behind the Corona virus scam18-04-2020Watch
280Danielle & Lloyd Bryant The ground breaking medical discoveries of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer.10-01-2020Watch
279Rendlesham Witnesses Rendlesham UFO case, statement analysis of witnesses27-12-2019Watch
278Dr Nick Kollerstrom Prince Andrew, London Bridge "attack" & the Salisbury poisoning Skripal affair13-12-2019Watch
277Andrew Johnson Israel and its influence over America29-11-2019Watch
276John Aspray The wrongful arrest of Tommy Mair and the staged attack on Jo Cox. Where is Tommy?14-11-2019Watch
275Andrew Johnson Richey Edwards, ancient aliens, evidence of E.T.s on Earth, alien abduction01-11-2019Watch
274Andrew Johnson UFOs & Evidence for alien visitation of planet Earth18-10-2019Watch
273Richard Fry An investigation of the disappearance of Richey Edwards, of the "Manics".04-10-2019Watch
272Richard D. Hall Worldwide animal mutilation study, Croydon Cat Killer02-08-2019Watch
271Madeleine Hypothesis Madeleine McCann cover up, a new hypothesis19-07-2019Watch
270Fake Assange & Brexit The Wikileaks pantomime and the battle for Brexit05-07-2019Watch
268UK Tour Video Diary Richplanet activities update & a light hearted video diary 25-04-2019Watch
267Jo Cox Bent Cops Statement analysis of the corrupt Jo Cox investigating police officers08-03-2019Watch
266Jo Cox Assassination MP Jo Cox Assassination investigation, Brexit, Thomas Mair01-03-2019Watch
265Adrian Gilbert The Electric Universe, Wallace Thornhill, new science23-11-2018Watch
264Andrew Johnson Hidden technology, secret space programme, Rendlesham UFO09-11-2018Watch
263Adrian Gilbert The Orion Mystery, Giza Pyramids, Egypt, Bitcoin,26-10-2018Watch
262Dr Larry O'Hara London nail bombings, MI5, MI6, Gareth Williams12-10-2018Watch
261Andrew Johnson Archeology on Mars, the Moon and the rest of the Solar System28-09-2018Watch
260Adrian Gilbert King Arthur - Wilson and Blackett, Holy Grail, British History, Avalon14-09-2018Watch
259Richard D. Hall Phone hacking, Milly Dowler, police corruption10-09-2018Watch
258Dr Larry O'Hara MI5, MI6, Searchlight, Notes from the Borderland, David Shayler31-08-2018Watch
257Mike Keegan Self sufficiency, , nature, growing food, Anastasia books, fake reality17-08-2018Watch
256Chris Hampton Jo Cox, Birmingham 6, Sex, climate, 9/11 technology01-08-2018Watch
255Alan Wilson Jo Cox, Tommy Mair, LGBT, Birmingham Six, Alan Wilson20-07-2018Watch
254Richard D. Hall Cover up of discoveries in space & secret space vehicles26-06-2018Watch
252Jill Dando Murder Kill Jill : The Dando Assassination Explained05-06-2018Watch
251Richard D. Hall The Assassination of Jo Cox20-05-2018Watch
250Richard D. Hall History of Richplanet02-12-2017Watch
249Andrew Johnson Moon Landings & NASA18-11-2017Watch
248Neil Sanders The Manson murders04-11-2017Watch
247Johnson & Kollerstrom Protocols, Julian Assange the fake truth seeker.21-10-2017Watch
246Richard D. Hall Madeleine truth campaign, Bridgend "suicides"07-10-2017Watch
245Neil Sanders Social Media Psychological Operations23-09-2017Watch
244Mark Conlon & A. Johnson 9/11 disinfo and lack of evidence of planes09-09-2017Watch
243Andrew Johnson Medical cover ups, AIDs, Cancer, Vaccines26-08-2017Watch
242Dr. Nick Kollerstrom Recent terror attacks, how fake are they?12-08-2017Watch
241Andrew Johnson Starchild Skull, NATO UFO tracking facility29-07-2017Watch
240Andrew Johnson Wikileaks and Julian Assange15-07-2017Watch
239Richard D. Hall 2017 UK Speaking Tour01-07-2017Watch
238Richplanet Tour Richplanet 2017 roadshow video diary16-05-2017Watch
237Madeleine film 8 Madeleine : Why The Cover Up?19-04-2017Watch
236Madeleine film 7 Robert Murat & The Madeleine McCann Cover Up19-04-2017Watch
235Peter Hyatt Statement analysis of Gerry & Kate McCann25-11-2016Watch
234Richard D. Hall Ben Needham, Llantrissant Mint, Seal mutes, UFOs01-11-2016Watch
233Richard D. Hall Puppets, Middle East & 9/11 Video Analysis21-10-2016Watch
232Richard D. Hall Celts, Middle East Politics, ISIS07-10-2016Watch
231Andrew Johnson David Icke's work, the CIA, 9/11 & disinformation23-09-2016Watch
230Tony Bennett Didcot Deception - film update, Freedom of Speech03-09-2016Watch
229Didcot murders Didcot Deception, Jed Allen : Not Guilty26-08-2016Watch
228Barrie Trower Effects of microwaves & microwave warfare12-08-2016Watch
227Andrew Johnson The Mars Rover Hypothesis Update29-07-2016Watch
226Andrew Johnson Agenda 21, "sustainability" global fraud.15-07-2016Watch
225Dr Nick Kollerstrom Jo Cox, Paris attacks, Fabricated Terror, Auschwitz01-07-2016Watch
224Richard D. Hall 2016 Tour, Mars rovers, NASA, animal mutilation, 17-06-2016Watch
223Richard D. Hall Madeleine, EU, News, Subversion, LGBT, Hawking.03-06-2016Watch
222Madeleine film 6 When Madeleine Died?29-03-2016Watch
221Dr Judy Wood Directed energy weapon used on 9/1124-01-2016Watch
220Neil Sanders Social Media behaviour, slacktivism & the CIA12-01-2016Watch
219Neil Sanders Manipulation behind social media05-01-2016Watch
218David Cayton Animal mutilation in Leicestershire29-12-2015Watch
217Richard D. Hall Animal theft & UFOs in Lincolnshire22-12-2015Watch
216Richard D. Hall Richplanet films & Lincolnshire UFO's15-12-2015Watch
215Gary Heseltine UFOs, disclosure, Travis Walton, the media08-12-2015Watch
214Gary McKinnon Interview with computer expert Gary McKinnon01-12-2015Watch
213Andrew Johnson Is there a link between crop circles & 9/1124-11-2015Watch
212Andrew Johnson A new theory for the formation of planets17-11-2015Watch
211Carl James NASA Puppets, space travel & perception management10-11-2015Watch
210Carl James Stanley Kubrick & The Moon Landings03-11-2015Watch
208Gough & Kollerstrom McCann, Energy, UFOs & Nato, Kollerstrom24-08-2015Watch
207Richard D. Hall Fake Terror & Extremism, MH370, Mar Rovers07-06-2015Watch
206Richard D. Hall Madeleine McCann & Media Subversion 01-06-2015Watch
205Derrick Bird murders Patsy Driver - An Investigation into Cumbria Massacre28-04-2015Watch
204Madeleine film 5 The Phantoms14-04-2015Watch
203RDH & Andrew J. Over unity energy devices research21-03-2015Watch
202Max Burns The 1997 Sheffield UFO Incident17-03-2015Watch
201Richard D. Hall What's the real purpose of DEBT?07-03-2015Watch
200Neil Sanders Why are drugs criminalised?02-03-2015Watch
199Tony Dodd An update on UFO's & NATO - Human Mutilations24-02-2015Watch
198David Cayton UFO spotting & unexplained seal mutilations17-02-2015Watch
197Horse mutilation case Silent Killers in Sussex08-02-2015Watch
196Various Alan Wilson update. UFO witnesses.10-02-2015Watch
195Roger Anderton Did Boscovich discover a unified field theory?07-02-2015Watch
194Derek Willis Hypothesis of an alien satellite around Earth26-01-2015Watch
193Johnson/Gibson More evidence of a NASA's Mars Rover deception ?16-01-2015Watch
192Johnson/Gibson Evidence of a NASA's Mars Rover deception ?06-01-2015Watch
191Tony Bennet ISIL, Peppa Pig, Religion vs Evolution12-11-2014Watch
190Richard D. Hall The Secret Space fleet13-10-2014Watch
189Richard D. Hall World domination, modern slavery & more28-09-2014Watch
188Richard D. Hall The most subversive shows on TV22-09-2014Watch
187Richard D. Hall Madeleine McCann & the establishment cover up10-09-2014Watch
186Gary Heseltine Brazilian UFO case, UFO dis-information22-08-2014Watch
185Madeleine films 1 to 4 Buried : True Story of Madeleine McCann08-08-2014Watch
184Andrew Johnson Ed Fouche, the TR3B & the U.S. secret space programme21-06-2014Watch
183Richard D. Hall Implants?, Derrick Bird did not kill 1230-05-2014Watch
182Tony Bennett Media subversion tac-tics, police corruption22-05-2014Watch
180Richard Melbourne The Discovery of King Arthur in Glamorgan10-05-2014Watch
179Tony Bennett Appeal for missing persons, plus T.B. on the E.U.03-05-2014Watch
178Richard D. Hall 2014 Lecture - Perfidious Planet26-04-2014Watch
177Morgan Reynolds Evidence which shows planes were not used on 9/1129-03-2014Watch
176Human Mutilations UFOs and NATO : The Human Mutilation Cover Up - PART 218-03-2014Watch
175Human Mutilations UFOs and NATO : The Human Mutilation Cover Up - PART 118-03-2014Watch
174Rev Anthony Williams Object resembling a pyramid underground in Wales04-03-2014Watch
173Andrew Johnson Comets, Planet X, Electric Universe09-01-2014Watch
172Lloyd Pye Military charities, UFO Truth Mag, Lloyd Pye07-12-2013Watch
171Dr. Nick Kollerstrom 7/7 London bombings, MP's responses22-11-2013Watch
170Scott Felton News + The Berwyn UFO Cover Up : Exposed24-10-2013Watch
169Richard D. Hall Control of TV, Search for Secret UK Bases01-10-2013Watch
168Various Richplanet TV pulled from Sky 19116-08-2013Watch
167Richard D. Hall 2013 UK Tour: The UK UFO cover up09-08-2013Watch
166Richard D. Hall 2013 UK Tour: 9/11 cover up, media & money02-08-2013Watch
163John Hanson UK UFO sightings & Haunted Skies19-07-2013Watch
162Elaine Waite The mystery artifact from a womans nose12-07-2013Watch
161Colin Saunders UFO sighting, highly credible witness06-07-2013Watch
159David McCann BBC "Madness in the Fast Lane" documentary21-06-2013Watch
158Black Triangle UFOs Almost Identified Flying Objects08-06-2013Watch
157Kollerstrom & Heseltine Woolwich fake terror, UFO Citizens Hearings14-06-2013Watch
150Andrew Johnson Evidence of life on Mars19-04-2013Watch
149Ian R. Crane Dangers associated with Fracking, 91112-04-2013Watch
148Gary Heseltine UFO Truth Magazine, Nick Pope, Rendlesham film script05-04-2013Watch
147Historical Experts Indisputable evidence of King Arthur in Wales29-03-2013Watch
146Andrew Johnson Looking at inconsistencies in the Apollo missions22-03-2013Watch
145Andrew Johnson Apollo moon missions, did they go to the moon?15-03-2013Watch
144Richard D. Hall Horse psy-op, Saville psy-op, Horsham, Twins & UFOs!08-03-2013Watch
143Dr Judy Wood A lecture about WHAT happened on 9/11 - Part 201-03-2013Watch
142Dr Judy Wood A lecture about WHAT happened on 9/11 - Part 122-02-2013Watch
140Dr. Judy Wood Energy weapon used on 9/11 & the cover up08-02-2013Watch
139RDH + Guests The Crown, murder attempts & extreme bizzarreness01-02-2013Watch
138Dr. Nick Kollerstrom State sponsored terrorism & Sandy Hook shootings25-01-2013Watch
137Bill Maloney Institutional child abuse in the UK18-01-2013Watch
136Neil Sanders CIA media infiltration & mainstream propaganda11-01-2013Watch
135Neil Sanders Was Saville part of an MI5 child sex entrapment operation?21-12-2012Watch
134Best of Richplanet 6 The pyramids, Christianity and hidden history 14-12-2012Watch
133Best of Richplanet 5 Hidden power agendas and manipulation of the masses 07-12-2012Watch
132Best of Richplanet 4 UFO cases over the last 70 years30-11-2012Watch
131Best of Richplanet 3 Humerous moments of 201223-11-2012Watch
130Best of Richplanet 2 Who was really responsible for 7/7?16-11-2012Watch
129Best of Richplanet 1 9/11 & the technology behind it09-11-2012Watch
128Richard D. Hall Was Raoul Moat a Programmed Killer?02-11-2012Watch
127Wilson and Blackett The Wilson & Blackett Conspiracy26-10-2012Watch
125RDH's 2012 Tour Fake power politics, and a woeful corrupt media12-10-2012Watch
124Animal disappearances The Lincolnshire Triangle05-10-2012Watch
123Andrew Johnson Devices which may replace Earths fossil fuel technologies28-09-2012Watch
122Andrew Johnson 9/11 energy weapon & the cold fusion cover up21-09-2012Watch
121Jim Kelly MI5 framing an innocent man & used as a patsy14-09-2012Watch
120Silverman & Biggerstaff The Work of Nigel Kerner07-09-2012Watch
119John Hanson Haunted Skies & The alleged alien implant31-08-2012Watch
118John Hanson Haunted Skies24-08-2012Watch
117John Hanson Raoul Moat, appeal for information.17-08-2012Watch
116John Hanson Haunted Skies, British UFO encyclopedia series10-08-2012Watch
115Dan Sherman Secret N.S.A. E.T. communication project03-08-2012Watch
114RDH & Guests Fake terror threats at the Olympic Games27-07-2012Watch
1117/7 Ripple Effect 2 The truth behind the 2005 London Bombings06-07-2012Watch
110Anthony Beckett An introduction to Exopolitics Conferene 201222-06-2012Watch
109Muad'Dib 7/7 Ripple Effect 2, The Hill of Tara15-06-2012Watch
108Andrew Johnson Comparing video and radar evidence on 9/1115-06-2012Watch
101Paul Sinclair UFOs in Yorkshire, Big Brother & Kevin Annett27-04-2012Watch
100Ben Emlyn-Jones Sacked for blogging on "controversial" subjects 20-04-2012Watch
99Neil Sanders Popular music, who is controlling it and why13-04-2012Watch
98Neil Sanders Psychostronic technology and mind control06-04-2012Watch
97Richard D. Hall Abduction Phenomenon & Crop Circles 30-03-2012Watch
96Richard D. Hall 2011 Tour, filmed at Weston Super Mare - Part 223-03-2012Watch
95Richard D. Hall 2011 Tour, filmed at Weston-Super-Mare16-03-2012Watch
94Dr. Nick Kollerstrom The Falklands War and Censorship of it09-03-2012Watch
93Wilson and Blackett The books of Alan Wilson & Baram Blackett02-03-2012Watch
92Wilson and Blackett Britains true ancient history and possible finds24-02-2012Watch
91Wilson and Blackett Evidence of King Arthurs burial sites17-02-2012Watch
90Wilson and Blackett Corrupt Welsh Authorities and their grotesque crimes10-02-2012Watch
89Wilson and Blackett Media smear campaigns against historical research 03-02-2012Watch
88Wilson and Blackett A suspicious fire suffered by Historians27-01-2012Watch
87Tony Farrell 7/7 London bombings & Tony Farrells's appeal hearing20-01-2012Watch
86Anthony Beckett Exopolitics UK Conferences13-01-2012Watch
85Andrew Johnson Directed energy weapons and the 9/11 cover up06-01-2012Watch
83Phil Atherton Monarchy, 2011, the media and smut 23-12-2011Watch
82David Cayton Rendlesham UFO, Belgium UFOs & Night Vision16-12-2011Watch
81Ian R. Crane The Monetary System & the debt based economy09-12-2011Watch
80Norman Scarth London "riots", phone hacking "scandal", crooked judges02-12-2011Watch
79Richard D. Hall Exopolitics UK 2011, University of Leeds lecture 25-11-2011Watch
78Dr. Judy Wood - Part 2 9/11, "Where Did The Towers Go"18-11-2011Watch
77D.C. Gary Heseltine UFOs and the media04-11-2011Watch
76Dr. Judy Wood - Part 1 9/11, "Where Did The Towers Go"11-11-2011Watch
75St Bede's School UFOs, Aztec, Socorro, Rendlesham, Concorde21-10-2011Watch
74Jemma King Popular music, mind control & the Monarch programme14-10-2011Watch
73Ian Crane/Neil Sanders Agendas of the Global Elite23-09-2011Watch
72Nick Kollerstrom 7/7 London bombings, live audience16-09-2011Watch
71Belinda McKenzie The Monarchy, Hollie Greig, Family Courts02-09-2011Watch
70Muad'Dib The Stone of Destiny, The Monarchy26-08-2011Watch
69Scott Felton Metal detecting in Wales, UFOs19-08-2011Watch
68Mike Freebury, D. Cayton Animal mutilation, Dartmoor cases & more29-07-2011Watch
67Muad'Dib Muad'Dib talking about his May 2011 trial.22-07-2011Watch
66Anthony Beckett University of Leeds, 2011 Exopolitics Conference15-07-2011Watch
65Tony Farrell 7/7 London Bombings, Intelligence Analyst speaks out08-07-2011Watch
64George Tuck HAM Radio, Pirate Radio, Lockerbie disaster05-08-2011Watch
63Keith Hunter Nuclear weapons, earthquakes, military bases01-07-2011Watch
62Keith Hunter Ancient knowledge, 360 day calendar, pyramid placement24-06-2011Watch
61Dave Hodrien Abduction/Contact cases reported to Richplanet17-06-2011Watch
60Dave Hodrien UFO cases reported to & BUFOG10-06-2011Watch
59Osama Bin Laden 7/7, Bin Laden, Lawful Rebellion03-06-2011Watch
58Andrew Johnson Dr. Judy Woods Book: Where Did The Towers Go?27-05-2011Watch
57Richard D. Hall What the Bible tells us about UFOs01-09-2009Watch
56Nick Kollerstrom, Part 2 7/7 London Bombings06-05-2011Watch
55Nick Kollerstrom, Part 1 7/7 London Bombings29-04-2011Watch
53James Casbolt Mind Control, MKUltra, Super Soldiers13-05-2011Watch
52Charles James Hall Tall White E.T.s, Grey E.T.s & "Norwegian" E.T.s22-04-2011Watch
51S. Campion & M. Cocking What is the truth about "The Recession"15-04-2011Watch
50Richard D. Hall The economic crisis, central banks & money08-04-2011Watch
49RDH & Kevin West Islamic Uprising, 7/7 bombings & "Beyond Knowledge II"25-03-2011Watch
47Dave Marrow MkUltra, Mind Control & UK Victims, Super Soldiers18-03-2011Watch
46Tony Kilvert Thy Pyramids, the holy grail, hidden knowledge11-03-2011Watch
45Rupert Sheldrake, Phd False Flag Terrorism & How the mind works 04-03-2011Watch
44Dr. Rauni Kilde Making the Starship "Studio" & Dr. Rauni Kilde (Pt2)25-02-2011Watch
43Scott Felton The Phobos UFO & Scott Felton's UFO interest18-02-2011Watch
42Bari Chohan Turkish academia's knowledge of UFOs & Vimanas11-02-2011Watch
41Richard D. Hall The control of mainstream media and information04-02-2011Watch
40Roy Dutton Crop circle analysis, abduction28-01-2011Watch
39Neil Sanders Mind control programmes, "creating" celebrities21-01-2011Watch
38Roy Dutton The Astronautical Thoery of Strange Aerial Craft14-01-2011Watch
37Lloyd Pye Human Origins & The Star Child Skull07-01-2011Watch
36Samuel R. West 2010, Ulysees, The gay alien from Gateshead25-12-2010Watch
35Gary Heseltine Police UFO cases, Rendlesham UFO incident, Disclosure17-12-2010Watch
34Mark Hall The Disclosure Project 2001 Press Conference10-12-2010Watch
33Richard D. Hall Animal Mutilation & The Government Cover Up03-12-2010Watch
32Muad'Dib London 2005 bombings, justice, Muad'Dib hearing26-11-2010Watch
31Mark Hall The Disclosure Project Press Conference 200118-11-2010Watch
30Dr. Rauni Kilde Out of body experiences, UFOs & mind control12-11-2010Watch
29Miles Johnston UFOs, mind control & military abductions05-11-2010Watch
28Ben Emlyn-Jones New World Order, media manipulation, UFOs29-10-2010Watch
27Richard D. Hall Animal mutilation, terrorism, UFOs, religion21-10-2010Watch
26Tom Arnet Origins of man, religion, Freemasonry 15-10-2010Watch
25James Corbett False flag terrorism, scalar weapons08-10-2010Watch
24David Cayton Animal Mutiilation & Human Mutilation 01-10-2010Watch
23Ian R. Crane Gulf of Mexico oil disaster & Peak Oil scam 24-09-2010Watch
22Murphy, Toms & Turnbull Evolutionary theories, 1983 UFO case & Heapey Depot17-09-2010Watch
21John Urwin Covert 1950s assasination team & hidden technology10-09-2010Watch
20Andrew Johnson Reporting on evidence of chem trails03-09-2010Watch
19Professor John Searl The Searl Effect Generator27-08-2010Watch
18Neil Sanders Media mind control, Manchurian candidates20-08-2010Watch
17Crop Circles Crop Circles : The Hidden Truth01-06-2010Watch
16Neil Sanders Mind control, MKULTRA, psychotronics, implants, hypnosis06-08-2010Watch
15Animal Mutilation Silent Killers : UK Animal Mutilation01-06-2009Watch
14Ged & Dale 2 1973 helicopter UFO case, Aztec UFO, & LA 194223-07-2010Watch
13Anthony Beckett Evidence for life on Mars16-07-2010Watch
12Ged & Dale on UFOs UFOs cases, Malstrom '67, Stephensville '08, Alaska '8602-07-2010Watch
11Muad'Dib 7/7 London bombings, false flag terrorism02-07-2010Watch
10Andrew Johnson 9/11 Physical evidence, what happened to the towers25-06-2010Watch
9Andrew Johnson 9/11 TV footage and amateur video analysis18-06-2010Watch
8John Duffield Physics, light, gravity, space, time and dark matter19-05-2010Watch
7John Duffield Physics, space, energy & particles12-05-2010Watch
6Robert Hall The Gateshead Grey01-11-2008Watch
5North East Truth The truth movement. False flag terror & more28-04-2010Watch
4Alan Turnbull UK military bases and intelligence agencies21-04-2010Watch
3Mark Cocking Secret knowledge and the Central Banking scam14-04-2010Watch
2Alan Wilson Ancient history & The Ark of the Covenant07-04-2010Watch
1David Cayton 20 years of British Ufology06-04-2010Watch

" Believe none of what you hear and question everything you see "