CURRENT SITUATION - Updated 04/8/2024

The trial started at the High Court in London on 22/7/2024, lasted just under 4 days, and finished on 25/7/2024. No verdict was given, the judge has reserved judgment until probably October 2024 - when the judgment will be given in writing.

A full transcript of the trial has been requested from the court. This will provide a fully documented record of what happened at the trial.

Iain Davis who was present throughout the trial has provided a fairly detailed written report on the proceedings. His report provides a summary of the trial. Iain's report can be found here.

Thank you to everyone who attended, and to everyone who has donated. And thank you to my barrister Mr Paul Oakley.

CURRENT SITUATION - Updated 23/6/2024

The hearing on 21st June 2024 lasted longer than the allocated 1 hour. It lasted nearly two hours. At the end, the judge, Mr Justice Julian Knowles decided to reject my renewed application for permission to appeal. He said that he would be providing a written judgment. I will post the judgment. when I receive it. I was represented by a barrister, and the hearing consisted mainly of legal arguments, because the actual evidence was not the main subject of this hearing. The purpose of this hearing was to try to demonstrate why the previous 2 judges were wrong to uphold the summary judgment application. I will also publish our skeleton argument, prepared by the barrister, outlining his legal arguments which were put to the judge. I may also obtain a copy of the transcript of the hearing and publish it in the "legal documents section". There were some very interesting exchanges which I won't go into here. I am sorry I was unable to publish details of this hearing earlier, but I was only informed of the time and the Court number late on 20th June, so did not have time to put out details.

If you read the Skeleton Argument, you will see that it involves expertese in the understanding of the law and in understanding other previous cases. Preparing such documents costs money, which has been provided by viewers and supporters of Richplanet TV. I am very grateful for your continued support in helping to fund this case, and in many other ways that people are supporting the battle for truth. A large number of people have donated, and every single dontation has helped and is still helping.

The trial is scheduled to start on 22 July 2024 at the High Court, with a time estimate of 4 days. I imagine it will start at 10am. If you wish to support me by attending, please do so. Please be presentable, do not speak in the court, and do not try to record.

CURRENT SITUATION - Updated 31/5/2024

My renewed application for permission to appeal against the summary judgment decision will at the High Court on Friday 21st June 2024 with a time estimate of one hour. The court number, name of Judge and starting time will be confirmed the day before the hearing.

The trial is scheduled to start on 22 July 2024 at the High Court, with a time estimate of 4 days.

CURRENT SITUATION - Updated 25/4/2024

Video Update 25/4/2024

An Appeal against the summary judgment decision was submitted on 10th April 2024. On 15th April an Order was received from the Court in response to the Appeal. I have applied for a Hearing at the High Court to apply to renew my Appeal, and a Hearing has been granted which should take place at the end of May 2024.

CURRENT SITUATION - Updated 22/2/2024

Video Update 22/2/2024

I (Richard D. Hall) appeared at a High Court Hearing on Monday 29th January 2024. The Hearing was to determine the outcome of the Claimant's Application to accept without question the official narrative of the Manchester bombing, and thus prevent me from presenting any evidence which challenges the official narrative at a trial. A transcript of the hearing can be found here.

Articles by Iain Davis : Richard D. Hall, A Travesty of Justice, | ,The Manchester Arena False Flag.

The Judgment can be found here.

I will make some points about the Hearing

Point 1 : At the Hearing I presented video evidence which was filmed at the scene of the Manchester incident, in the City Room, filmed 4 minutes after the blast. It showed a woman, Ruth Murrell, walking without impairment or any visual injury - who it was claimed had a nut or bolt travel all the way through her leg (15cm), and out of the other side. I also showed the merchandise stall completely in tact, which was just yards from the blast and in direct line of sight. This evidence is not specifically referred to in this Judgment, and was not shown at the Public Inquiry. I also showed images at the Hearing, of the City Room shortly after the blast, showing that no visible building damage was caused, and no blood is visible on the floor, and windows were not broken etc. This evidence is also not specifically mentioned in the Judgment. The evidence is first hand video and CCTV evidence from the crime scene.

Point 2 : None of the CCTV evidence which is relied upon by the Claimants, which would demonstrate they were present at the Arena, has been released by the Public Inquiry to my knowledge, and has not been seen by the Court, nor by myself. I submitted an Application to the Court to have this CCTV evidence released. I submitted a second Application to the Court to have the 2017 medical records of the Claimants released for a surgeon to view, (I first requested medical records in January 2023). Both of the Applications have been rejected in this Judgment. With regards the CCTV evidence, what was relied upon, were statements made by two people who claim to have seen the CCTV evidence, but no footage or images have been provided.

Point 3 : I spoke about many other evidential points, some of which are explored in my films, and also the BBC's actions against me in relation to the timing of the Claim.

Point 4 : I am awaiting a copy of the Hearing transcript.

Media Coverage

I have submitted a complaint against the BBC about their article on the summary judgment Hearing. Their article implies that I have lost the case, which is not true. It also fails to mention any of my arguments or evidence which were put forward at the Hearing.

Ben Emlyn Jones was present and has posted this account (slightly modified).

Richard D Hall has appeared in court and I went along to support him and report on proceedings. The case was held at one of the highest courts in the land, the Royal Courts of Justice in London. I got there early to maximize my chances of getting a seat in the public gallery. I was also worried that Marianna Trench would bring in a gang of her deep-sea bottom feeders from the BBC to hog them all; as it turned out, she never even showed up. As it was, so many people were there, all on Richard's side, that some couldn't get a seat. My good friend and comrade Dr Nick Kollerstrom was there, and I should have guessed he would be; he is an ace at analyzing legal dramas. The Royal Courts of Justice was built in the 1870's and is a grand and striking building; but, I think, ugly and intimidating. It has a very bad energy. It reminds me of Dracula's castle or Barad-dûr. The courtroom itself was quite small and the public gallery was mixed in with the counsel benches. The security at the main entrance was similar to that at an airport. I had to empty my pockets and step through a metal detector. All potential weapons cannot be taken into the courts... including sharpened spikes no doubt! Richard turned up dressed in a dapper grey suit with waistcoat, the first time I haven't seen him wearing brown or black. I wasn't sure how he would react to my presence because, as you know, he and I have had our differences; but he greeted me warmly and thanked me for coming. He had no barrister with him and was defending himself, typical of his style. His counsel was a McKenzie Friend who is a retired solicitor.

The hearing only lasted about an hour and three quarters and was actually quite simple. I didn't take down any written notes because I wasn't sure how it would look to do so, but I didn't need to really. This was not Richard's trial, just a preliminary hearing establishing the rules of the future full trial, but it is vitally important as I explain here . The claimants' barrister began by explaining why he thinks all Richard's evidence should be struck from the record. This was, he said, because all the facts of the Manchester Arena attack have been established by other proceedings such as the Manchester Arena Inquiry. He also provided some reports from Martin and Eve Hibbert's doctors. The facts don't need to be disputed because the facts are legally agreed upon already; that was the purpose of the Inquiry. Richard countered by saying that the facts were not all agreed upon. In fact 28% of the public say they think the real truth about the Manchester Arena bombing is being kept from the public. The Public Inquiry was not a proper legal ruling anyway. He then provided a "skeleton" of his own research. The judge had been given a "bundle" of more that he could study outside the court. Viewers of Richplanet TV will be familiar with this information, for example see here. Martin Hibbert sat at a bench on the back row; a space had been cleared for his wheelchair. In front of him were two of the claimants' counsel's solicitors and the barrister himself occupied a solo seat on the front row next to Richard and his counsel. I gather there is a reason for this formation because the barrister insisted upon it. Mr Hibbert himself remained silent throughout; in fact no witnesses were called at this hearing. His daughter Eve was not present. Richard spoke with authority and drive; he explained how his evidence has every bit of legal validity and should be presented at the trial. He comprehensively discredited the claimants' counsel's case. None of his defiance has slipped an inch. There's no doubt he won the performance competition. The judge did not announce a ruling and said he would have to consider for a while. Hopefully Richard should receive a verdict in two weeks or less. What will that ruling be? Well, obviously I hope it will be in favour of Richard and in any fair judiciary it would be; however, we all know other forces are at work in the establishment. If the judge rules in favour of the claimants then we can safely say there is no doubt at all that the forces of darkness have marked this proceeding and they are trying to rig the process beforehand so that Richard cannot win. Anyone can beat the world's best athletes in a marathon if you make referee break the legs of all the other competitors. Nevertheless, we should hope for the best. See here for a HPANWO Radio interview with Nick Kollerstrom about this subject: (coming soon).

CURRENT SITUATION - Updated 24/11/2023

Video Update 24/11/2023

CURRENT SITUATION - Updated 16/6/2023

Video Update 16/6/2023
Claim and Defence Documentation

CURRENT SITUATION - Updated 09/5/2023

Firstly THANK YOU to everyone who has so far donated to my legal fund. I am very grateful to you.

I have received notification that a legal claim has been filed against me in the High Court.

The claim is seeking damages and an injunction for harassment and breaches of the UK GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018.

Note that there is no claim of libel or defamation which has been incorrectly reported across most of mainstream media.

I have until the 1st of June 2023 to submit my defence.

Iain Davis has written an excellent article covering the issue here,

My book is available free here ...


Richard D. Hall

CURRENT SITUATION - Updated 25/4/2023

As you may know, the BBC and all mainstream media have recently produced further hit pieces against myself and in particular my work covering the 2017 Manchester Arena incident (but without discussing the content of the work).

The BBC has criticised me for 'profiting' from the Manchester Arena incident because I published a book about it. I have therefore decided to give the book away as a free download here …

Please download the book (right click and save link as) from the link and send it to everyone you think may be interested in the content.

You can find reviews (scroll down) about the free book from this link,

It is clear from their recent articles that the legal action they have described, which they say has been submitted to the High Court against me (but I still have not to date yet received notice of), has the intention to censor/remove my book permanently and remove all my videos on this subject - as well as attempting to hit me with a 'damages' claim.

The associated films and lecture can be watched from the links below. I advise you download and re-distribute these also, as it appears that the intention is to censor all my work on this subject, which consists of no more than hard evidence and honest opinion.

UK Critical Thinkers videos on the subject can be found here ...

31/10/2022 - PANORAMA, Disaster Deniers: Hunting the Trolls

A Response to the BBC Panorama Propaganda

By Richard D. Hall


After the 2017 Manchester Arena bomb attack was reported, there were many anomalies and inconsistencies in the information that was available to the public. A UK researcher known online as "UK Critical Thinker" made a series of videos which looked at many aspects of the Manchester attack. There is much analysis in these videos which casts doubt over the official Manchester story. I will mention one piece of evidence here, the Nick Bickerstaff mobile phone footage. In this footage Bickerstaff films himself searching for his daughter, which he claims he filmed immediately after the explosion. The footage in his video contains very calm concert goers, walking normally and going to the bar etc. People can be heard mimicking his high pitched squealing. At the end of his video we see a TV screen showing a live feed of the concert stage with pink and orange moving stage lights. At a few points in the video Arian Grande's voice can be heard singing in the background. The bang/explosion occurred after the concert had finished, when Ariana Grande was no longer on stage, and the main arena bowl lights were on and people were leaving. Therefore Nick Bickerstaffs footage was, beyond doubt, filmed before the bang/explosion. This is just one piece of evidence which proves there was detailed foreknowledge of what was going to occur. Much other evidence exists which casts huge doubt on the veracity of the entire event. After reviewing the anomalies and looking at mainstream media reports, in 2019 and 2020 I decided to carry out investigation into the events to try and establish what really happened. I published my findings in a book and film. Since publishing my book and film, there has been a public inquiry. I have studied the public inquiry, and to my knowledge the public inquiry has not provided to the public any images showing recognisable deceased people in the arena foyer, or images of any recognisable serious injury located within the arena foyer. In my opinion the public inquiry has not shown what actually happened in the arena foyer on 22.5.2017. The public inquiry organisers carefully redacted all of the important parts of the CCTV footage which would have shown what actually happened, before they released the images into the public domain.

Contact from the BBC

In August 2022, over 2 years after publishing my book and film, I was emailed by BBC reporter Marianna Spring who said she wanted to interview me to find out more about me, my career and my online profile. I have included all of those emails below. In the emails I state clearly that I do not wish to be interviewed by the BBC, and state clearly the reasons why I did not want to be interviewed. I know people who have been mislead by the BBC and mis-represented in previous BBC productions, therefore I do not trust the BBC.

Then on 30th September 2022, I received a letter from the BBC which I have reproduced below (scroll down). The letter contained a number of false allegations, for which I provide truthful replies here,

Replies to the false allegations made in the BBC's letter

1. My opinion is that to my knowledge, there has been no satisfactory evidence presented to the public which proves that the Manchester Arena incident was not staged. For example, the public inquiry produced 4,100 pdf documents , some of which contained photographs and CCTV still images. To my knowledge, non of these photographs or still images show any recognisable deceased or seriously injured victim inside the arena foyer. To my knowledge, neither the review, nor the inquiry, nor witnesses have produced images taken in the arena foyer, showing clearly recognisable deceased victims or clearly recognisable seriously injured victims.
2. I have followed evidence, then published details of my research and findings.
3. I have made some polite door to door enquiries in order to gather evidence, which is a perfectly legitimate activity when doing research. I did not hide cameras outside somebody's home.
4. I have not accused anyone of lying. It is my opinion that some people involved have made false statements in their media interviews. This is an opinion not an accusation. With regards the term 'crisis actor', I believe the evidence in the Nick Bickerstaff video proves he filmed his footage before the time of the explosion/bang. Therefore I believe he was 'acting'. I believe that describing him as a 'crisis actor' is accurate.
5. I am easy to contact via my website, and to date, I have not received any direct contact, by any Manchester victim to complain about my actions. I have carried out polite enquiries which have been within the law.
6. I appealed for information from the public, from witnesses who saw what happened and from people who know people who saw what happened. This does not make me responsible for hateful messages sent by people I do not know, to anyone who may have been involved.
7. My output is concerned with seeking the truth about a variety of subjects and explaining what I discover. I have never encouraged anyone to send hateful comments or abuse. I am not responsible for what other people choose to say or do.
8. With regards Dr Nick Kollerstrom, my response would be to simply read his books on these subjects. They are very well researched and referenced.
9. Carrying out research and producing films about subjects people wish to know about is an occupation, just as it is for a BBC or other journalist. Why would you expect anyone to work hundreds of hours for free?
10. If new evidence comes to light on any subject, an opinion or conclusion can change. My opinion on fully hoaxed fabricated terror, as opposed to fabricated terror with real deaths, is that fully hoaxed fabricated terror has been used more frequently since around 2013, than it was before that time.
11. I am easy to contact, and I have not been contacted by any person claiming to be a survivor of a terrorist attack, to tell me I have added to their trauma.

BBC film crew visit

After receiving the BBC letter, and after explaining to the BBC that I did not wish to be interviewed, the BBC travelled to Merthyr Tydfil with a film crew. Scroll down to view the film footage of this visit.

Emails from the BBC, August / September 2022

10th August 2022, Email from BBC

From : Marianna Spring (
To : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

Dear Richard,

I hope you're well. I'm a correspondent at the BBC who investigates social media - and I am getting in touch about speaking to you for an upcoming documentary & podcast series, which we're aiming to broadcast in a few months' time. I am interested in your videos online and the profile that you have built over several years talking about various terror attacks, disappearances and murders, as well as UFOs and the pandemic.

I want to interview you to find out more about you, your career and your online profile. I would be keen to discuss more about this as soon as possible - would you be available for a call at some point over the next week? I'm also very happy to come and meet you to discuss this further.

Best wishes,


19th August 2022, Email from BBC

From : Marianna Spring (
To : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

Dear Richard,

I hope you're well. I dropped you an email, but wasn't sure whether this was the best way to contact you. I' a correspondent at the BBC who investigates social media - and I am getting in touch about speaking to you for an upcoming documentary & podcast series, which we're aiming to broadcast in a few months' time. I am interested in your videos online and the profile that you have built over several years talking about various terror attacks, disappearances and murders, as well as UFOs and the pandemic.

I want to interview you to find out more about you, your career and your online profile. I would be keen to discuss more about this as soon as possible - would you be available for a call at some point over the next week? My number is 07*** ****** if you'd like to give me a call. I'm also very happy to come and meet you to discuss this further.

Best wishes,


20th August 2022, Email from RICHPLANET to BBC

From : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (
To : Marianna Spring (


Thanks for contacting me. Can you please send me ALL of the detailed programme proposals / treatments for the show / shows you intend to produce, along with the details of who has written them and which people are devising / producing the material.

Many Thanks

8th September 2022, Email from BBC

From : Marianna Spring (
To : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

Hi Richard,

Thanks very much for getting back to me. This interview request is for a podcast series for Radio 4 and a documentary for BBC Panorama. We want to understand more about your videos and work, asking questions about what you do and why. We'd like to spend some time with you in order to do that. Would you be available for a call where I can explain more? I'm available on 07*** ******.



13th September 2022

From : Marianna Spring (
To : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

Hi Richard,

I wasn't sure via which route you received my last message - so thought it would be best to contact you over email and also through your website forms. Thanks very much for getting back to me. This interview request is for a podcast series for Radio 4 and a documentary for BBC Panorama. We want to understand more about your videos and work, asking questions about what you do and why. We’d like to spend some time with you in order to do that. Would you be available for a call where I can explain more? I’m available on 07*** ******.



14th September 2022, Email from BBC

From : Marianna Spring (
To : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

Hi Richard,

I just wanted to follow up on this request and see if you're available for a call today? Otherwise, I could speak after 1600 tomorrow - or anytime on Friday. I'm on 07*** ******.

It would be really useful to have a conversation on the phone to share more details so that you can decide if you'd like to meet or discuss this further. I want to understand more about what you do - and speaking to you seems to be the best way to do that.

Thanks again,


16th September 2022, Email from BBC

From : Marianna Spring (
To : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

Hi Richard,

Just seeing whether a call works today? You can reach me anytime on 07*** ******.


19th September 2022, Email from BBC

From : Marianna Spring (
To : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

Hi Richard,

Just seeing whether a call works today? You can reach me anytime on 07*** ******. Or I can answer further questions via email if you would prefer - phone just might be easiest.


23rd September 2022, Email from BBC

From : Marianna Spring (
To : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

Hi Richard,

I just wanted to follow up on the messages below. There are some updates I can share with you about the podcast and Panorama documentary that I mentioned. We are planning to feature your work in both of these - and to speak to other contributors about it. We want to give you an opportunity to speak about this from your perspective and to hear your views. Our main interest is the theories you have promoted around UK terror attacks, like the Manchester Arena bombing. We are available to come and meet you whenever is convenient - and I can give you a call to explain more first if you'd prefer. I'm on 07*** ******.



23rd September 2022, Email from RICHPLANET to BBC

From : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (
To : Marianna Spring (


Sorry I cannot entertain your offer. I am fully aware of what your programme intention is, due to the past experience of people like Dr. Nick Kollerstrom, whom the BBC tricked into thinking they would air his interviews about the 7/7 London bombings. The programme makers left out all of his dialogue and only showed footage that they secretly recorded of him without his knowledge. I have the correpsondence with the BBC and Andrew Johnson and Dr Judy Wood. This correspondence shows that the BBC did not have any intention of representing their work correctly about 9/11. The BBC has shown itself over many years to be duplicitous and it's raison d'etre is not about reporting the truth.

If you mention me or my work I insist that each time I or my work is referred to that you mention and display a prominent link to the following website URL, so that people can find the whole work and judge the whole work for themselves.

I do not give permission to show or broadcast any of my videos, images or audio content in any of your programmes.

If you show or transmit any of my work or videos or images I will take legal advice.


23rd September 2022, Email from RICHPLANET to BBC

From : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (
To : Marianna Spring (


If you state in your programme that I refused to take part, I insist that you include my reason why I refused to take part,

I refused to take part because I am fully aware of what your programme intention is, due to the past experience of people like Dr. Nick Kollerstrom, whom the BBC tricked into thinking they would air his interviews about the 7/7 London bombings. The programme makers left out all of his dialogue and only showed footage that they secretly recorded of him without his knowledge. I have the correpsondence with the BBC and Andrew Johnson and Dr Judy Wood. This correspondence shows that the BBC did not have any intention of representing their work correctly about 9/11. The BBC has shown itself over many years to be duplicitous and it's raison d'etre is not about reporting the truth.


26th September 2022, Email from BBC

From : Marianna Spring (
To : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

Hi Richard,

Thanks very much for getting back to me. I can assure you that we have no intention of tricking of you. I've got in touch to have an open and honest conversation with you. I'd appreciate the opportunity to have a chat on the phone - I'd be very happy talk to through all of your concerns. Talking to me on the phone is no commitment to choosing to take part in the programme if your view remains the same after we've chatted. I can speak whenever today or tomorrow - let me know when would be convenient for you? You can call me any time on 07*** ******.



26th September 2022, Email from RICHPLANET to BBC

From : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (
To : Marianna Spring (


You mention my "theories" and "views".

Neither of these are important in an investigation. What is important is evidence. The fact that you fail to mention evidence and merely want "theories" and "views" shows a poor journalistic intention. I'm not interested in taking part in a film about me, my views or theories. The only thing that matters is evidence. Why aren't you interested in evidence ?


26th September 2022, Email from RICHPLANET to BBC

From : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

To : Marianna Spring (

In my Manchester film I produced evidence (exclusive police radio communications conversations) that proves that the alleged Manchester 'bomber' left the arena after the bang, and was persued by armed response vehicles and then arrested at gun point. Therefore there was no suicide. A real journalist would not be interested in me or my views. They would be itnerested in the evidence which proves there was no suicide. Please don't contact me again.


27th September 2022, Email from BBC

From : Marianna Spring (
To : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

Hi Richard,

Thanks for getting back to me. It's the evidence which we would like to discuss for the podcast and documentary. It would be great to meet so we can talk about it properly.

We can come to meet you this week or next if there is a time that suits you? We'd welcome the opportunity to ask you questions on this.

07*** ******

28th September 2022, Email from BBC

From : Marianna Spring (
To : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

Hi Richard,

Thanks for getting back to me. It's the evidence which we would like to discuss for the podcast and documentary. It would be great to meet so we can talk about it properly.

We can come to meet you this week or next if there is a time that suits you? We'd welcome the opportunity to ask you questions on this.

07*** ******

30th September 2022

From : Marianna Spring (
To : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (

Dear Richard,

Please find attached a letter about the forthcoming BBC Panorama documentary and podcast series.


07*** ******

30th September 2022, Email from RICHPLANET to BBC

From : Richard D. Hall - RICHPLANET.NET (
To : Marianna Spring (

The letter contains at least 7 false accusations and if you broadcast any of these accusations I will seek legal advice.

Letter from the BBC, 30th September 2022

British Broadcasting Corporation W1 NBH 04D, BBC Broadcasting House, Portland Place, London, W1A 1AA

September 30th, 2022

Dear Mr Hall,

BBC Panorama and BBC podcasts are investigating the impact of conspiracy theories around UK terror attacks.

As part of the documentary and podcasts, we plan to look at your films that you have promoted on your website,, and your book, Manchester: The Night of the Bang.

I am therefore writing to invite you to respond/comment on a number of points and issues which, as a result of our investigation and research, we are considering including in our output. As our programme nears its broadcast date there may be other matters to which we will also invite your responses.

1. You have promoted theories that the Manchester Arena terror attack in 2017 was staged, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary (including – but not limited to – an independent review, an inquiry, and testimony from emergency services, concert-goers, survivors, and bereaved families).
2. You have promoted these theories online, as well as in a book and DVD.
3. You have approached the homes and workplaces of some of the affected families and survivors of the Manchester Arena attack, claiming to seek evidence that they have not been injured. This includes hiding cameras outside somebody’s home.
4. You have accused some of the affected families and survivors of the Manchester Arena attack of lying, described them as ‘crisis actors’, and claimed that people did not die and were not injured in the attack.
5. These actions have caused substantial harm and distress to bereaved families and the survivors.
6. You have encouraged other people to follow your opinions of these events and conduct similar investigations, which has also directly resulted in followers sending hateful comments and abuse to victims of the Manchester terror attack.
7. Your output has contributed to a culture that encourages hateful comments and abuse to be sent to victims of UK terror attacks whenever such an attack occurs, often in the immediate aftermath.
8. In your videos you have repeatedly referenced Nicholas Kollerstrom to support your theories that terrorist attacks were faked. Mr Kollerstrom is a holocaust-denier and the author of a book Breaking the Spell, The Holocaust: Myth & Reality. The book claims that nobody was murdered in gas chambers in Auschwitz and that any deaths at the camp were due to an outbreak of disease.
9. You have profited from your theories by selling books and DVDs, including those alleging the Manchester Arena attack was staged, as well as selling merchandise, tickets to tours, and inviting donations on your website.
10. Our research suggests that you previously have dismissed the idea that terror attacks are hoaxes, and have changed your views over recent years.
11. The survivors of the terrorist attacks mentioned above say that you have added to their trauma. What is your response?

To date, you’ve declined our offer to meet or have a conversation on the phone. We would still like to talk to you and to hear your responses/comments on the above in the form of an on-camera interview. We would be grateful if you let us know if you are going to take part in an interview for the programme by 5.30pm on October 5th, 2022, in order to make appropriate arrangements for filming. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or on this mobile +44 7*** ******.

I would appreciate it if you could acknowledge receipt of this letter.

Yours sincerely

Marianna Spring

BBC film crew visit to Merthyr Tydfil, 7th October 2022

" Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see "