There is much speculation about the alleged murder of Jo Cox MP. In today's show Richard gives his opinion and also discusses the subject of fabricated terror with Dr Nick Kollerstrom. Nick has studied many recent terror events from around the world and the UK and concludes much of it is fabricated or more recently he contends "theatre". How much is really theatre and how much is deception? Unravelling the truth in the relentless program of worldwide terror events is very difficult with such un-objective news reporting. Gathering first hand evidence is almost impossible, which is a problem. Later in the interview Nick talks about his book on the Nazi labour camps and presents a hypothesis that goes against what is accepted by mainstream historians. Anyone with hard evidence that Nick is not correct in any of his assertions, please contact this website.

Show Ref | Guest / Subject | Topics Discussed | Release Date | Select |
304 | Dr. Nick Kollerstrom | Ukraine conflict, fabricated terrorism over Europe. | 18-03-2023 | Watch |
302 | Dr Nick Kollerstrom | The Ukraine conflict. | 22-02-2023 | Watch |
278 | Dr Nick Kollerstrom | Prince Andrew, London Bridge "attack" & the Salisbury poisoning Skripal affair | 13-12-2019 | Watch |
266 | Jo Cox Assassination | MP Jo Cox Assassination investigation, Brexit, Thomas Mair | 01-03-2019 | Watch |
247 | Johnson & Kollerstrom | Protocols, Julian Assange the fake truth seeker. | 21-10-2017 | Watch |
242 | Dr. Nick Kollerstrom | Recent terror attacks, how fake are they? | 12-08-2017 | Watch |
225 | Dr Nick Kollerstrom | Jo Cox, Paris attacks, Fabricated Terror, Auschwitz | 01-07-2016 | Watch |
208 | Gough & Kollerstrom | McCann, Energy, UFOs & Nato, Kollerstrom | 24-08-2015 | Watch |
171 | Dr. Nick Kollerstrom | 7/7 London bombings, MP's responses | 22-11-2013 | Watch |
157 | Kollerstrom & Heseltine | Woolwich fake terror, UFO Citizens Hearings | 14-06-2013 | Watch |
138 | Dr. Nick Kollerstrom | State sponsored terrorism & Sandy Hook shootings | 25-01-2013 | Watch |
94 | Dr. Nick Kollerstrom | The Falklands War and Censorship of it | 09-03-2012 | Watch |
72 | Nick Kollerstrom | 7/7 London bombings, live audience | 16-09-2011 | Watch |
56 | Nick Kollerstrom, Part 2 | 7/7 London Bombings | 06-05-2011 | Watch |
55 | Nick Kollerstrom, Part 1 | 7/7 London Bombings | 29-04-2011 | Watch |