Dr Tim O'Shea
PART 1 OF 12

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Dr Tim O'Shea residing in the USA is a Chiropractor and tireless educator in the quest of informing people as to the side effects and dangers of Vaccination.
Show Ref Guest / Subject Topics Discussed Release Date Select
299Genetically Modifying Humans?Possible genetic modification technology in the vaccine. Part 2, off grid living04-10-2022 Watch
296Chris Hampton : FilmInvestigating the corruption & parasites behind the Coronavirus Scamdemic04-03-2022 Watch
295David FergussonAnalysis of many 'vaccine' contents studies showing compelling evidence of nano technology07-02-2022 Watch
294Andrew JohnsonAn update on the Covid scam, the measures, Vaccine damage & planetary control01-12-2021 Watch
292Covid & Vaccine ScamMore on the COVID scam and injection programme.10-10-2021 Watch
290Iain DavisThe real purpose of the fake pandemic. A new monetary and control system.12-08-2021 Watch
289Free From The SystemReducing dependance on the criminal system of governance16-07-2021 Watch
288Scamdemic UpdateFake pandemic, Vaccine deaths and injury, Economic Reset12-06-2021 Watch
287Lloyd BryantCovid scam, monetary system, great reset & 'smart' money. Bitcoin & crypto currencies. 08-02-2021 Watch
286Andrew JohnsonExploration of the global corona virus scam, looking at evidence and motives. 14-12-2020 Watch
282Richard D. HallExposing the man behind the Corona virus scam18-04-2020 Watch
RP recommended third party videos
Show Ref Guest / SubjectTopics DiscussedRelease Date Select
735Dr. Robin WakelingAnalysis of the contents of the COVID jabs02-05-2022 Watch
734Ricardo DelgardoNano technology found inside vaccines26-12-2021 Watch
733John TitusExplanation of banking system and the change that is coming04-11-2021 Watch
732Viruses = dead cell debrisExplaining why viruses are NOT the cause of disease20-06-2021 Watch
731Sheep FarmExamining the personalities involved in the COVID scam and wider agendas.12-06-2021 Watch
730Janet OssebaardThe Fall of the Cabal Series, exposing Bill Gates12-06-2021 Watch
729Jon RappoportDeconstructing how the COVID scam has been created and those involved12-06-2021 Watch
728Dr Stefan LankaCritically examining the scientific background of the so-called "Corona Crisis" 12-06-2021 Watch
727Alison McDowellSocial Finance in Israel. The impending technocracy being planned for humanity.08-02-2021 Watch
726Ramola D.Ramola D. Reports on various U.N. documents which show those who are behind the global scam19-01-2021 Watch
725Planet LockdownCatherine Austin Fitts explains the technocratic motives behind the "magic virus"30-12-2020 Watch
724The Great ResetA new global digital economy designed to keep humanity firmly enslaved02-12-2020 Watch
723COVID 19 UnmaskedAndrew Johnson on Medical Fascism, the Biosecurity State and the Green Agenda18-11-2020 Watch
722Operation MoonshotDr Andrew Kaufman & David Icke talk about Operation Moonshot18-11-2020 Watch
721Q-ANONWhat is Q-ANON? - Is it really going to "save humanity".18-11-2020 Watch
720Canadian ParliamentCanada admits it has built internment camps for various uses18-11-2020 Watch
7195GU.S. sentate hearing, showing that 5G has not been tested for safety.18-11-2020 Watch
718Brendan O'ConnellAre Israel collaborating with Russia and China on the Coronavirus psy op.18-11-2020 Watch
717DAVOS 2020A summary of what was discussed at DAVOS, January 202018-11-2020 Watch
716Bretton Woods Monetary Re-negotiationAnnoumcement by the IMF of a Global Monetary Re-negotiation18-11-2020 Watch
715Charles M LieberDiscussion about why Charles Lieber was arrested18-11-2020 Watch
714Catherine Austin FittsFormer insider in U.S. finance gives views on the motives behind the scam. 18-11-2020 Watch
713Bill GatesA collection of films about Bill Gates, his past and his motives18-11-2020 Watch
712Actors? & PropagandaA look at some "victims" and propaganda that seems dubious.18-11-2020 Watch
711Dr Reiner FuellmichCrimes Against Humanity and Corona Fraud18-11-2020 Watch
710Andrew JohnsonSARS-COV2 PCR Testing, and why the test is meaningless18-11-2020 Watch
709Professor Dolores CahillInterview challenging the need for any lockdown measures18-11-2020 Watch
708Dr Tim O'SheaA series of 12 audio podcasts challenging the existance of COVID-1918-11-2020 Watch
707Dr Andrew KaufmanWhat Dr Andrew Kaufman believes the corona virus to be.18-11-2020 Watch
706Professor John A LeeStudio discussion on RTE (Irish TV) featuring Prof John A Lee18-11-2020 Watch
705Event 201A high level exercise which envisioned a corona pandemic, 6 weeks before it happened.18-11-2020 Watch
704Dr Andrew MouldenBrain injury caused by vaccine damage18-11-2020 Watch
703Dr John BergmanViruses and Germ Theory18-11-2020 Watch
702Dr Tom Cowan & Sally MorellThe Contagion Myth, Why Viruses (including "Coronavirus") are not the cause of disease18-11-2020 Watch
701Dr Stefan LankaThe History of the Infection Theory18-11-2020 Watch

" Believe none of what you hear and question everything you see "