Dr Andrew Moulden

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"Suicided" Neurologist Unwrapped Vaccine Swindle

Canadian neurologist Andrew Moulden, PhD. MD 1964-2013 explains it all here in this video. He was told to play ball or have the ball taken away. Often a comet will streak across the night sky and we will miss it. So our true champions are murdered and flushed down the memory hole while charlatans and traitors get Nobel Prizes. The healthcare industry cannot leave sickness to chance. It is a bigger business than war.

(by Henry Makow PhD - from April 2, 2019)

Andrew Moulden should have been awarded a Nobel Prize for showing how the "healthcare industry" is poisoning the general population with vaccines. He showed how vaccines were responsible for causing "microscopic strokes" by limiting the flow of oxygen in the bloodstream reaching capillaries.

In his 2009 interview on vactruth.com, Moulden stated: "I have now conclusively shown that ALL vaccines, from infancy to geriatric, are causing the exact same brain damages irrespective of what disease or disorder comes out. The damages are specific to end vascular "mini-strokes" that are beneath the resolution of our neuro-imaging, but measurable in a before/after vaccination protocol. They are also directly measurable in real time - however, this involves techniques and technology I have not disclosed to the public as yet"
"The evidence is now self-evident. All you have to do now is receive the education you need to appreciate and see what is before your very eyes - layperson and Doctor."
"It is no longer an opinion as I now have conclusive evidence to show that ALL vaccines are causing the exact same damages for us all in the exact same manner that wild poliovirus caused paralysis, respiratory failure, death, bleeding into the brain, and more."
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" Believe none of what you hear and question everything you see "