David Icke & Shapeshifting
Many people ask me, "What is your opinion of David Icke?". Today's show addresses this question. Putting the reptilian subject aside for one moment, David Icke has worked tirelessly over the last 25 years helping to expose the hidden agendas of those who really hold power in the world. His written work on these subjects extends to 19 books which cover many subjects we have delved into on Richplanet TV. Secret societies, intelligence agencies, mind control, hidden technology, hidden history and the puppet show politics which masks the real agendas. David Icke has also written about 9/11 and incredibly realised the event was a set up on the day it happened - and then wrote a book about it. Probably one of the first books to question the official 9/11 narrative. We also address the "reptilian" question and attempt to explain how this may have come about.
Show Ref Guest / Subject Topics Discussed Release Date Select
294Andrew JohnsonAn update on the Covid scam, the measures, Vaccine damage & planetary control01-12-2021 Watch
293Andrew JohnsonWhat is the reason for MSM change in attitude towards UFO's ?30-11-2021 Watch
286Andrew JohnsonExploration of the global corona virus scam, looking at evidence and motives. 14-12-2020 Watch
277Andrew JohnsonIsrael and its influence over America29-11-2019 Watch
275Andrew JohnsonRichey Edwards, ancient aliens, evidence of E.T.s on Earth, alien abduction01-11-2019 Watch
274Andrew JohnsonUFOs & Evidence for alien visitation of planet Earth18-10-2019 Watch
264Andrew JohnsonHidden technology, secret space programme, Rendlesham UFO09-11-2018 Watch
261Andrew JohnsonArcheology on Mars, the Moon and the rest of the Solar System28-09-2018 Watch
249Andrew JohnsonMoon Landings & NASA18-11-2017 Watch
247Johnson & KollerstromProtocols, Julian Assange the fake truth seeker.21-10-2017 Watch
244Mark Conlon & A. Johnson9/11 disinfo and lack of evidence of planes09-09-2017 Watch
243Andrew JohnsonMedical cover ups, AIDs, Cancer, Vaccines26-08-2017 Watch
241Andrew JohnsonStarchild Skull, NATO UFO tracking facility29-07-2017 Watch
240Andrew JohnsonWikileaks and Julian Assange15-07-2017 Watch
231Andrew JohnsonDavid Icke's work, the CIA, 9/11 & disinformation23-09-2016 Watch
227Andrew JohnsonThe Mars Rover Hypothesis Update29-07-2016 Watch
226Andrew JohnsonAgenda 21, "sustainability" global fraud.15-07-2016 Watch
213Andrew JohnsonIs there a link between crop circles & 9/1124-11-2015 Watch
212Andrew JohnsonA new theory for the formation of planets17-11-2015 Watch
203RDH & Andrew J.Over unity energy devices research21-03-2015 Watch
193Johnson/GibsonMore evidence of a NASA's Mars Rover deception ?16-01-2015 Watch
192Johnson/GibsonEvidence of a NASA's Mars Rover deception ?06-01-2015 Watch
184Andrew JohnsonEd Fouche, the TR3B & the U.S. secret space programme21-06-2014 Watch
177Morgan ReynoldsEvidence which shows planes were not used on 9/1129-03-2014 Watch
173Andrew JohnsonComets, Planet X, Electric Universe09-01-2014 Watch
150Andrew JohnsonEvidence of life on Mars19-04-2013 Watch
146Andrew JohnsonLooking at inconsistencies in the Apollo missions22-03-2013 Watch
145Andrew JohnsonApollo moon missions, did they go to the moon?15-03-2013 Watch
123Andrew JohnsonDevices which may replace Earths fossil fuel technologies28-09-2012 Watch
122Andrew Johnson9/11 energy weapon & the cold fusion cover up21-09-2012 Watch
108Andrew JohnsonComparing video and radar evidence on 9/1115-06-2012 Watch
85Andrew JohnsonDirected energy weapons and the 9/11 cover up06-01-2012 Watch
58Andrew JohnsonDr. Judy Woods Book: Where Did The Towers Go?27-05-2011 Watch
20Andrew JohnsonReporting on evidence of chem trails03-09-2010 Watch
10Andrew Johnson9/11 Physical evidence, what happened to the towers25-06-2010 Watch
9Andrew Johnson9/11 TV footage and amateur video analysis18-06-2010 Watch

" Believe none of what you hear and question everything you see "