Best of Richplanet 2012 - Humerous Moments

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It's Boblazar! We hope you enjoy this offering, a compilation of some of the funnier moments on Richplanet TV. The Poet in the Pub was loved by some, but not by others - a bit too crude apparently. However some of his observations were maybe a bit too true - if there is such a thing. Ben Emlyn-Jones famously sets fire to his census form (I can't help think this act may have had something to do with his illegal sacking from the NHS). A memorable phrase from the Richplanet archives which people came up to me and repeated with immense pleasure was "dancing on shite" - indeed. There is so much shite on TV it is like having an open sewer in your living room. It's a pity we didn't have time for any Jimmy Saville jokes, who Harriet Harman said "cast a stain on the BBC". How can a cesspit have a stain on it? Could you go an wipe that stain off our cesspit?
Humour >>
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