Ben Emlyn-Jones, sacked from the NHS

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Ben Emlyn-Jones is a very enthusiastic blogger on controversial subjects such as 9/11, UFOs and other subjects. His blog website HPANWO (Hospital Porters Against The New World Order), has thousands of readers. Ben also posts many blog videos containing his political comment and often uses satirical characters to get his point across. He has been a hospital porter for 22 years with an exemplary record and last year was suddenly suspended and told to go home without being given an explanation. After a week of confusion he was asked to return to a meeting where his emplyers told him he had been suspended because of material posted on his blog website. Is he being made an example of to others who want to promote such subjects?
Psy Ops / Bizarre >>
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144Richard D. HallHorse psy-op, Saville psy-op, Horsham, Twins & UFOs!08-03-2013 Watch
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" Believe none of what you hear and question everything you see "