Mark Hall attended the 2001 Disclosure Project Conference
Mark Hall has been interested in UFOs for as long as he can remember. In 2001 he learned that the world was going to be told the truth about UFOs, so he got on a plane from Newcastle Upon Tyne to Washington DC to attend a momentus event. Marks photographs were featured in the UK "UFO Magazine" and he shares some of his own video footage on todays show. Not surprisingly, he was very inspired by the event endeavoured to set up a similar event in the UK. Mark has forged friendships with several key whistleblowers in the UFO field including Ed Fouche and Donna Hare. We only scratched the surface of Marks knowledge in this discussion, hopefully he will return to reveal more.
Show Ref Guest / Subject Topics Discussed Release Date Select
190Richard D. HallThe Secret Space fleet13-10-2014 Watch
184Andrew JohnsonEd Fouche, the TR3B & the U.S. secret space programme21-06-2014 Watch
31Mark HallThe Disclosure Project Press Conference 200118-11-2010 Watch

" Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see "