Pseudopandemic, New Normal Technocracy
In August 2019, 4 months before a global pandemic was reported, the world's banking moguls discussed the need for a "new" IMFS (International Monetary and Financial System). This included the need for a new global reserve currency to replace the dollar. The current system they said has a growing asymmetry which is creating increased instability (it is nearly dead). They proposed that the old (current) monetary system should be propped up with short term stimulus in the form of "helicopter money" (ie targeted furlough payments), and that economic activity should be reduced (ie lockdown measures). These measures were necessary to sustain the financial markets and prevent mass global unemployment, which would buy themselves some time to plan and implement the new IMFS they had been planning since the 2008 financial crisis crash. The global fake pandemic was a fiscal measure, as the central bankers started "going direct", serving their own interests and those of the global public private partnership network they work with; it had nothing to do with public health. The new IMFS will provide the perfect backbone to administer a new global technocracy, which could easily restrict human freedom far beyond the perceptions of a largely "sleep walking" public. Iain Davis, author of "Pseudopandemic" talks about his new book which explores the unthinkable and delivers a damning indictment of global corruption.
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" Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see "