Found inside COVID Vaccines
Was the prime short term motive for the Scamdemic (fake pandemic) a fiscal measure, to do with the restructuring of the global economy? In part two I present the findings of two separate scientific groups that have analysed the contents of COVID-19 vaccines and found what looks like nano technology. Can anyone help with further analysis of these damaging vaccines?
Science & Medical >>
Show Ref Guest / Subject Topics Discussed Release Date Select
299Genetically Modifying Humans?Possible genetic modification technology in the vaccine. Part 2, off grid living04-10-2022 Watch
296Chris Hampton : FilmInvestigating the corruption & parasites behind the Coronavirus Scamdemic04-03-2022 Watch
295David FergussonAnalysis of many 'vaccine' contents studies showing compelling evidence of nano technology07-02-2022 Watch
294Andrew JohnsonAn update on the Covid scam, the measures, Vaccine damage & planetary control01-12-2021 Watch
293Andrew JohnsonWhat is the reason for MSM change in attitude towards UFO's ?30-11-2021 Watch
292Covid & Vaccine ScamMore on the COVID scam and injection programme.10-10-2021 Watch
290Iain DavisThe real purpose of the fake pandemic. A new monetary and control system.12-08-2021 Watch
288Scamdemic UpdateFake pandemic, Vaccine deaths and injury, Economic Reset12-06-2021 Watch
286Andrew JohnsonExploration of the global corona virus scam, looking at evidence and motives. 14-12-2020 Watch
282Richard D. HallExposing the man behind the Corona virus scam18-04-2020 Watch
280Danielle & Lloyd BryantThe ground breaking medical discoveries of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer.10-01-2020 Watch
265Adrian GilbertThe Electric Universe, Wallace Thornhill, new science23-11-2018 Watch
243Andrew JohnsonMedical cover ups, AIDs, Cancer, Vaccines26-08-2017 Watch
228Barrie TrowerEffects of microwaves & microwave warfare12-08-2016 Watch
212Andrew JohnsonA new theory for the formation of planets17-11-2015 Watch
195Roger AndertonDid Boscovich discover a unified field theory?07-02-2015 Watch
190Richard D. HallThe Secret Space fleet13-10-2014 Watch
45Rupert Sheldrake, PhdFalse Flag Terrorism & How the mind works 04-03-2011 Watch
44Dr. Rauni KildeMaking the Starship "Studio" & Dr. Rauni Kilde (Pt2)25-02-2011 Watch
30Dr. Rauni KildeOut of body experiences, UFOs & mind control12-11-2010 Watch
8John DuffieldPhysics, light, gravity, space, time and dark matter19-05-2010 Watch
7John DuffieldPhysics, space, energy & particles12-05-2010 Watch

" Believe none of what you hear and question everything you see "